Angela Rayner: Non credo di aver infranto le regole per la festa di Lord Alli

di Anony_mouse202


  1. couriersnemesis on

    How are labour fumbling this so hard? People are upset because labour promised to change things and improve things, yet this has proven that theyre just the same, which was actually one of their excuses

  2. 0Neverland0 on

    Angela Rayner, tribune of the working class:

    – takes freebie clothes from a multimillionaire

    – takes a freebie stay in a multimillion new york apartment with her then boyfriend over Christmas from a multi millionaire

    While at the same time the party is banging on about tory sleaze

    No one can be that thick its just greed and entitlement

  3. Such_Significance905 on

    The simplest questions that they’ve not quite been asked yet are:

    1. So, if a Conservative in your position took this money, would it be entirely okay?

    2. Also, if **any** public servant took tens of thousands of pounds from someone who could possibly benefit from their influence, would that be okay?

    I voted Labour, but it is very difficult to see Starmer’s late declaration of these donations and the surprise decision on winter fuel allowances as anything other than holding back information until the election was settled.

  4. BaffledApe on

    While this will eventually die down, it will only come back with a vengeance when a story about just what Alli wants for all his gifts rears its head. I’ll give it a year.

  5. KamalasBigToe on

    Opened their party conference slating the Tories but then taking free clothes and holidays all over the place.

    This lot are no different to those that they hate. How long are the Labour voters going to try and defend this lot?

  6. I mean, she’s right. Doesn’t make it any less dodgy. It’s pretty much just open bribery.

    Why else would a wealthy man happily pay for your holidays and clothes?

  7. Rough-Sprinkles2343 on

    I actually don’t care if mps accept it or not

    All this distracting politics doing my head in

  8. Real-Olive5816 on

    ‘Didn’t break the rules.’

    Those of us who experienced the expenses scandal in real time heard that every single day. It was the excuse of absolutely all of them. Both parties of course. 15 years on and it’s all the same.

  9. Melodic-Display-6311 on

    Labour were supposed to be better than the Tories, they had the moral high ground, then they fuck up this soon into a five year term?

    They continue with austerity yet they get freebies and wonder why people are hacked off

    I’m calling it now, Greens and Reform will make greater inroads in the coming years as the centre ground erodes

  10. Green-Taro2915 on

    Does that mean anyone who doesn’t like the new rules, being brought out by the government, can say the same? I think not….

  11. _epsilonmu on

    The charitable view is someone who started with good intentions and got corrupted by the system. Disappointing all round

  12. ohnoitsmedoh on

    It is so sad that they are just all the same and nothing will ever change.

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