Il marchio di alimenti senza carne Quorn vede crollare le vendite nei supermercati e perdere 60 milioni di sterline

di JosiesSon77


  1. IcyMushroom2639 on

    Is there a meat-free burger or sausage that hasn’t got a load of shit in it? Is it beyond the ability of man to produce such a thing?

  2. restore_democracy on

    I saw these meat-free foods in the store the other day, they were called fruits and vegetables – might give them a try sometime.

  3. CandidSalt9547 on

    Im a pescatarian and besides tofu, I wouldnt buy any of these foods because they seem generally unhealthy.

  4. Roberto49152 on

    Evil stuff.. makes me uncontrollably spew like the girl in the Exorcist for hours on end

  5. D0wnInAlbion on

    A lot of the fake meat industry is struggling because too many companies tried to jump on the bandwagon all at once and oversaturated the market. A correction was inevitable.

  6. Their food has taken a dip in quality over the past couple of years. The cocktail sausages used to be so much nicer!! Same for the ham.

  7. Birdie_92 on

    We once tried quorn mince in a spaghetti bol instead of meat, in attempt to be healthy, and neither of us could eat it, it was so disgusting and had a really weird aftertaste. So im not surprised they are losing sales in all fairness … You couldn’t pay me to eat that stuff! 🤢

  8. Quorn is made from mycoprotien – protein extracted from mold.

    Whenever I’ve tried it, my gut instantly goes “Nope, fuck that” and I feel like crap until it comes out the other end.

    My conclusion is, while certain people can tolerate it better than others, it’s a fundamentally bad thing to be putting in our bodies.

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