Un altro russo si è arreso tramite drone


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Dangerous-Fan7715 on

    Amazing. It is clear who has the moral high ground isn’t it.

  2. Late_Singer_7996 on

    While he is begging for his life, wowa counts his billions and takes an another load of Botox to his cheeks. How can he look into a mirror? I hope so that one day russians play basketball with Putins Head on the red square.

  3. Common-Ad6470 on

    Really surprised no other Ruzzian shot him as he was headed for Ukrainian lines.

  4. Wattsefack on

    Guy looks malnutritioned and miserable as fuck. Wise decision to surrender, though it would have been wiser to not participate in this war of aggression at all. Anyways, another one for the exchange fund.

  5. ScottyMac75 on

    He made the right call surrendering to Ukraine, which values life and treats prisoners ethically.

  6. The world needs to see the mercy of the Ukrainian people.
    They hold themselves to a standard of great integrity in face of an enemy that does not.

    If ever there was a case to join NATO then this is it!

  7. aberroco on

    He shouldn’t have drank all the water. He could die slowly and painfully from drinking a lot of water after severe dehydration, as it severely disturbs electrolyte balance in blood.

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