Rachel Reeves annuncia la colazione gratuita per le scuole primarie a partire dal prossimo anno


di No_Breadfruit_4901


  1. hobbityone on

    Finally something that is a real positive change that will see a serious impact for millions in the UK.

  2. _Spiggles_ on

    Ok cool, so what are you taking off us or charging us in a round about way for it?

    Edit – all you angry downvoting loons, I’m questioning where the money is coming from, cuts are being made all over, were being told it’s going to be tough and it’s going to be hard, so I want to understand where the money is coming from, I am not against this I’m all for it.

    Stop being angry all the time.

  3. MR-DEDPUL on

    No child should be in hunger. Especially not at school.

    A positive change, let’s hope they can keep the momentum going.

  4. Slurpielips123 on

    Why not start this week…
    This won’t happen and is just staving off criticism over being corrupt

  5. Johnny_Wilde_001 on

    I’m having a bad feeling. This is just appeasement for something coming.

    I’m all for this, more so if it targets the ones who need it the most. 3x meals a day through schools and morning/after school clubs.

    But the Govt needs to do more and have more authority and wisdom in their chocies.

    Oh, people are downvoting this. Why? Maybe learn to read, I did say I was for this. The question is, how are they paying for it when there are blackholes worth billions?

    The last line references other choices, like punishing the NHS when that’s a simple fix along with other decisions.

  6. Fantastic-Change-672 on

    Everyone on my town’s Facebook page is currently moaning about this.

  7. Impressive_Sleep_801 on

    It would be interesting to see what’s on the menu and how it would be offered and sub ministered amongst different institutes.

    Let’s hope it’s not going to be a UPF rich diet full of sugar which will only makes children more dependent on those foods and the multinationals that produce them.

  8. IceLysis on

    Even though I don’t have kids and have no plans to, it makes me really really happy to know that this is what my taxes are going towards.

    Fantastic news.

  9. Baldeagle61 on

    Good idea, but I’ll bet it’s not going to be a full English they get.

  10. LloydAtkinson on

    This is good but is it going to be any good? With the purposely engineered ever rising prices, are they going to end up with a bunch of slop or something nutritious?

  11. nightdwaawf on

    A positive change to make up for the negative change of potentially killing old folk during the winter.

    Let’s get the young folk through school so they can then work and we can eventually tax them

    We need rid of the old folk as they are a burden on our money pot.

  12. Swimming-Proposal-83 on

    Labour funds something incredibly helpful and popular.

    Media immediately:  bUt iS da food eVeN heAlThY??? – what a bunch of losers

  13. ArchdukeToes on

    …just in time for my daughter to go to secondary!

    Selfishness aside, this is a good thing.

  14. Personal_Lab_484 on

    Are they means testing this? No one likes hungry kids but all these initiatives just seem to let parents continue to just do fuck all.

    Don’t pay for breakfast or lunch. Don’t buy them clothes. Collect benefit. Get a big council house cause of the kids and you can’t be made homeless either. All at taxpayer expense.

    I think my time as a primary teacher in a shit school in south Bristol just made me hate these parents. Obviously happy the kids are getting fed but it’s just disgusting what they get away with.

  15. dotamonkey24 on

    What a genuinely important and impactful policy decision.

    Of course, the BBC will instead be running a highly scathing Laura Kussenburg article about how Starmer ties his shoe laces wrong and that means the country is doomed.

  16. AdaptableBeef on

    So is there a financial black hole or not?

    It seems like terrible messaging to defend removing the winter fuel payment, announce this and also reinforce that the country faces a £22bn “black hole” all ok the same speech.

    Which is it?

  17. Hairy_Inevitable9727 on

    Good news the thought of hungry kids in schools is awful.

    We have this at our Scottish school although I don’t think it is nation wide.

    It does put private providers of before school care for working parents out of business. Ours stopped offering it so we have to use the schools although our kids mostly have (1st) breakfast at home and then have a yogurt at the breakfast club.

  18. InstallTheLinux on

    Every study done on this shows that it’s one of the cheapest ways to improve outcomes for children. A child that’s hungry is a child that won’t be learning as well in school.

    Invest more in the future generations and you get more back maybe I’m just getting soft as I’m getting older (only 30 without kids) but I feel like children should be the main focus of any society.

  19. Brilliant-Big-336 on

    This will of course be means tested so the ‘rich’ aren’t being subsidised from the public purse.

  20. SwartzzInc on

    I can already see the news flashes after finding out these ‘free breakfasts’ being laced with something or them charging kids tax on it 🤣

  21. Deliriousious on

    Wait, it wasn’t free?

    When I was in primary school “breakfast club” was like 50p and that got you a cup of tea, cereal or fry up like breakfast, and some toast, along with a little fruit.

    And in my secondary, it was all free, unlimited tea, toast, cereals. Made full use of it, there was no limit, so I got 4 slices of toast with marmite, and probably 3 cups of tea basically every morning.

  22. yourefunny on

    This is awesome! I have a 3 year old who will be starting school next year. He has breakfast everyday and it does not put us under any pressure. We may still use this. We are rubbish at getting him to eat anything other than cereal, jam on toast or occasionally eggs for breakfast. If there is a more balanced meal at school that will be great. Ultimately though we will be grand at home, might save some time in the morning though.

    For people struggling this amazing news. One of our closest friends is an only mother, her daughter is my son’s best mate. Free breako for her daughter will be so helpful for her!! Well done politicians! Lets keep this up!

  23. Now watch all the right wingers saying this is the worst thing ever

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