Non ancora confermato: “Esplosioni segnalate in una zona militare in Russia, prese di mira le città di Krasnoyarsk e Arkhangelsk”.

di TheDanishFire2


  1. CaramelCritical5906 on

    Outstanding!! Keep them coming!! Ruzzzzzians will soon be able to pronounce PALANYTSA!!!

  2. That was about 1.6 on the ‘Holy Shit’ scale. A *lot* of somethings will now not be fired at Ukraine.

    I presume it’s on r/shockwaveporn already?

    Edit : this is not a recent video, it’s 5 years old at least.

  3. rull3211 on

    Holy moly these 2 location are FAAAAAAR from the border. Some more smoking accident?

  4. CrappyTan69 on

    RU: Hey, NK, give us a few spare missiles ‘n’ stuff please.
    NK: Why?
    RU: We’re nearly done with this 3-day special military operation.
    NK: OK, but look after them and use them wisely.
    RU: No problem, thanks. All good.

    *UA enters the chat*

  5. False-Armadillo8048 on

    Love that shockwave …seems like you once again hit the right target 💪 🇺🇦

  6. Keep doing this Ukraine, make those fucking russian bastards pay

  7. Jogurac_ on

    This is a failed Russian missile test from five years ago. You can use Google Lens to find 50+ results.

  8. estelita77 on

    I hope it’s – WOWAH! It certainly is!

    Edit: Yeah OK- sounds like this is a very old video from a failed test. Got so excite, and now disappointed. Sorry will have to downvote this post!

  9. OkResponsibility3380 on

    Fuck another solid effort 👌….keep it up….

  10. lennartblanco on

    This is an old video, I think this is a video from 2019.

  11. Exotic_Conference829 on

    Another smoking accident.

    I heared that Ukraine is manufacturing flying cigarettes now. With jets.

  12. Dude, at least tag this as NSFW. ….That shockwave was sweet as, but now I’ve gotta explain to my boss why I’ve got a boner, 🤣

  13. YWAK98alum on

    Seeing multiple comments already that this is an old video, which makes this post a bit misleading even if Ukraine *did* hit military targets in Krasnoyarsk and/or Arkhangelsk recently.

  14. WWMRD2016 on

    Would love to see a £ value of losses at each of these ammo dumps.

  15. We’re getting some real big bada booms out of Russia lately

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