Fin dall’inizio dell’invasione russa su vasta scala, i nostri partner danesi si sono distinti, assicurando disinteressatamente che l’Ucraina sta ottenendo l’hardware necessario per portare a termine il lavoro. Non lo dimenticheremo mai. TUSIND TAK!!

di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Enjoy the F-16s! And do please make sure they get to shoot down a lot more Russians than they would have done in our service.

  2. barktwiggs on

    A thousand thanks indeed! Everyone else let’s match or exceed Denmark’s generosity!

  3. Extreme-Radio-348 on

    Denmark is taking EU security very seriously, and I’m happy to see it.

    At the same time, I’m disappointed that their wealthier neighbor, Norway, isn’t providing as much help, even though they’ve benefited the most from high energy prices

  4. PlaceboDomingo1337 on

    wish we would have had more to give, but sadly the defence of the realm has seen cutbacks over the last 20+ years
    hopefully the politicians have understood the seriousness of the situation now.

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