Gli infermieri respingono l’aumento di stipendio del 5,5% proposto dal governo

di Thick-Possession-740


  1. corbynista2029 on

    >To raise standards and reform the NHS, you need safe numbers and they need to feel valued.

    The pay of an experienced nurse has fallen by 25% in real terms in the past 14 years, while private sector pay has more or less restored or gone above 2010 level in real terms. With a combination of aging population and people leaving the workforce, it’s no wonder the number of nurses is dangerously low as it leaves too much work for each nurse working in the sector.

  2. Se7enSchool on

    I thought we were getting an extra 350million a week for leaving the EU… mad that one of people responsible for that slogan is still allowed to be in politics doesn’t matter wether you’re right or left, that is a dangerous person who doesn’t care about accountability

  3. You_lil_gumper on

    Given the previous pay award following the nurses strike action still represented a real terms pay cut compared to 2010 it’s hardly surprising they’re not satisfied with this similarity meagre offering. Everyone likes to heap praise on healthcare staff for their ‘selfless sacrifices’, but if you want people to continue working extremely long hours in a very stressful occupation as part of a system that is literally crumbling before our eyes then half decent pay is an essential motivator. Otherwise the staffing exodus will continue, and everyone will complain about waiting lists as if they’re wholly unrelated….

  4. PatserGrey on

    I thought this was all done and dusted a while ago when they eventually and inevitably accepted the crap offer on the table. The doctors getting a massive bump (in comparison) may finally have helped the nurses grow a backbone. Anyway, great to see

  5. It’s a pay award not a pay offer. It’ll be implemented next month regardless. However it has implications for next year.

  6. Helloitisme1_2_3 on

    Junior doctors/residents just got a raise of 22%.

    They should raise nurses’ wages by at least 20%, it would still be quite low.

  7. lookatmeman on

    This extends down too, ancillary roles to support nursing are so lowly paid roles are simply not getting filled. To top it off the rule to work thing some GP’s are doing is putting enormous strain on community nursing. If you have elderly / vulnerable neighbours or family please check in on them.

  8. Amazing_Battle3777 on

    If you start giving out 15/20% increases to one area of the state, you are stupid to believe the others will settle for anything less.

  9. DuaneHicks on

    Remember essential workers ? Pepperidge farm remembers…

  10. MundaneImprovement27 on

    Where will all the money come from though, for bigger rises, when massive new monies needed in nhs services, education, infrastructure etc? Serious question

  11. Darkone539 on

    Well, yeah. They gave the Jr doctors more. Why shouldn’t the nurses push for the same?

  12. JJFranklinESO on

    As the comment here shows the Bands of pay already, I am honestly astonished that Nurses think they’re underpaid.

    The reality is you become a Nurse if you either 1) didn’t get many exams or 2) come from abroad.

    40k for a Nurse. Jesus wept. I want to move to the NHS now!

  13. Quantum-Travels on

    Is it just the nurses? What about the rest of the NHS staff (outside of the doctors), were they offered a separate deal?

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