“Dobbiamo spiegare alla gente negli Stati Uniti che se non sosteniamo l’Ucraina ora, la situazione peggiorerà molto più avanti, forse in Polonia”. Il membro del Congresso Jimmy Panetta


di EuropeanPravdaUA


  1. Voyager_AU on

    Exactly, we need to stop this war before it spreads across Europe.

  2. tommy3082 on

    And people need to understand that the support is an Investment! (For the sake of simplicity I’m skipping morale reasons and lots of other beneficial reasons like having a strong future partner with hands on modern warfare experience noone else except Russia has)

    You send partially weapons which would have been decommissioned anyways and would have cost tax money

    You give Ukraine goods and let them build up loans which will be paid Back someday.

    And you keep international Markets. Poland massively ordered HIMARS, boosting American Economy. Ukraine will Order American goods as well in the Future, but only If it prevails. Every state that prevails in eastern Europe is a Potential buyer for American manufactured goods in the Future. Anything Russia conquers would’nt.

    It’s pennies on the dollar in the long term.

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