Negato il risarcimento al farmacista che si è tolto la vita a causa delle complicazioni del vaccino anti-COVID

di Forward-Answer-4407


  1. Wife has tried to commit suicide twice since she fell ill after the vaccine

    She is in levels of pain everyday, admitted it was down to the vaccine but because she is only 55% disabled now they won’t payout from the vaccine damage fund

    Make it make sense

  2. ConsistentOcelot2851 on

    I knew when they started trying to give that poison to children that something was up.

  3. Serious-Mechanic-225 on

    I don’t understand why we have these complications in the first place I had a fair few vaccines back as a kid and I swear you never heard about these things happening.

  4. ConsistentOcelot2851 on

    Look at this story affecting a grown man. Yet people gave that toxic junk to their children.

    Heart-breaking and defies belief.

  5. Standard-Zone7852 on

    I’ve had 6 jabs now, one strong cold after the first jab and that’s been it. That’s the case for every other person I know who has had multiple jabs.

  6. BigLittleSlof on

    A lot of fucking nut jobs in these comments. Don’t usually see that on this sub

  7. MrVillainsDayOff on

    Vaccine conspiracy theories are still alive and well I see.

    For anyone choosing to spread them; please spare the rest of us the burden of your bloodlines continuation by opting out of procreation.

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