Zelenskyy sulla fine della guerra: siamo più vicini alla fine della guerra


di SoftwareExact9359


  1. Voyager_AU on

    Hopefully. I honestly didn’t think it would last this long when it first started.

  2. Life_Sutsivel on

    Unless his plans include a decapitation strike on the Russian government the war isn’t ending very soon, but 2026/27 is reasonable.

  3. BlueEyesXP on

    The only thing that matters is that Ukraine wins. Russia has to lose no matter how long it takes, otherwise they will attack again

  4. Theblokeonthehill on

    “It isn’t the end. It isn’t even the beginning of the end. But it may be the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill before he was reincarnated as President Zelinsky.

  5. Caligulaonreddit on

    Operation Allied Force:

    “Zur Beendigung des Konfliktes führten neben der militärischen Eskalation der Angriffe auf serbische Großstädte”

    NATO brought Serbija down without boots on the ground. it was not necessary that soldiers died (unfortunatly some people died, but it was always a conflict in the head of the military and lead to weak attacks at the beginning)

    Russia can fall the same way: Ukraine defends itself with western weapons and attacks russian infrastructure and the cities with urkainian weapons.

    while UA can get all humatitarian support they need from EU, Russia will only get money when they deliver oil – what will be less than needed when you chemical and mechanical industry is bombed to ash.

  6. A part of me is still rather pessimistic about Russia collapsing, especially due to Western reluctance, but we’ll see.

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