Mi chiedo da dove venga questa tendenza e chi ama e scrive cose del genere?
La mia prima ipotesi è che abbia a che fare con LinkedIn o con qualche ambiente lavorativo di cui non faccio parte.
Per me è davvero doloroso leggere questo tipo di testo, quindi mi chiedo quale sia il suo scopo.
di DownTongQ
The weird part is that the emoji’s don’t replace words but they duplicate them. So to answer your question: an imbecile.
Ils me terrifient
for the people that don’t speak french like me
Every post on LinkedIn be like.
I guess the reason is that it helps the reader stay concentrated and not get bored from plain text.
This is why using drawings to summarise your classes helps a lot.
But most of those post are really overkill and plain anoying, I agree.
To answer your question: four insufferable Ixelles “bobos” (“bourgeois-bohèmes”). Daddy is paying the rent for at least three of them.
For the Dutch-speaking equivalent, see “Danssaert-Vlamingen”.
Bloody idiots on LinkedIn. Their posts look like if they were crossed with a children’s book and the Barbie movie… I never read them. And when you see it in a job description it is a massive red flag about the maturity of their hr department.
Donc il y a vraiment des gens qui chouine pour tout et n’importe quoi, vous cassez les couilles sérieusement.
ça va, pas trop d’émoji ici pour que ça rentre bien dans ton petit crâne?
I’ve noticed it’s used much more like this in those cohousing facebook groups!