A Pokrovsk, in Ucraina, alcuni aspettano in silenzio le truppe russe


di DazzJuggernaut


  1. Michael_Petrenko on

    There’s only a decay where ruzzia comes. Nothing good will ever happen on occupied territories

  2. There should be forced evacuations like Russia does in Kursk.
    Those who stays are not only stupid they are a security risk to the Ukrainian forces.

  3. KalimdorPower on

    Some? The town is almost empty now. Month ago we gave our small house in rural area to family that fled from Pokrovsk. They said that on their street from around 100 ppl only 2-3 left. Old people who want to die at their homes. I believe same situation in other parts of town.


    > She is one of thousands of frontline residents who refuse to flee, frustrating evacuation teams trying to save their lives.

    It’s definitely an exaggeration.

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