“Il ritorno delle salsicce”: Sir Keir Starmer commette un imbarazzante errore nel discorso alla conferenza laburista


di corbynista2029


  1. Marcuse0 on

    What use do Israel and Hamas have for sausages? Neither of them eat pork.

  2. HauntedFurniture on

    > For *sausage* read *hostage*

    1066 and All That leaking into reality lol

  3. TehH4rRy on

    Christ give the man a break, Freudian slips happen.

    How many times has Jeremy Hunt been called cunt?

  4. Disastrous_Fruit1525 on

    Poor bloke must be hungry. Quick, find a donor to give him a free dinner

  5. It’s a blunder, we all make them. I am naturally a Labour voter, so I should feel sorry for him… but I don’t, sod him. Absolute weasel.

  6. Djinjja-Ninja on

    Oh no what a massive idiotic blunder, how can we ever trust his judgement again…

    Seriously. on a scale of 1 to calling your teacher “mum” on the “embarrassing blunder” scale this is about a 3.

  7. Shazalamadingdong on

    Nice slip, Keir…. Return of the hostages. Is that all? How about return of the lands stolen? How about stop trying to blame it all on a terrorist group that came about long after Israel started invading and stealing land, and murdering countless people. Israel are committing GENOCIDE, is that why you banned that word from the conference?

    You might bury your head in the sand, Starmer, but being a genocide supporter will stay with you for life.

  8. FuzzBuket on

    Honestly it’s getting silly. I would invite everyone to go read some Israeli news websites and use auto translate. 

    They make no mistake about it, the obstacle to a deal, a deal which was on the table 300 days ago and has only gotten sweeter since: is Netanyahu and his career. Hamas, the US and the IDF are all in favour of them. Haaretz is *very* vocal about how he’s sabotaged every deal. 

    Starmer pusstfooting about this makes him look weak. Deals have been on the table for 300+ days and he has serious leverage about the main obstacle to getting hostages back alive, and stopping the relentless slaughter of innocents in Lebanon, gaza and the west bank. 

  9. ProfileNo629 on

    I’ve seen a bacon sandwich take down a labour leader. If a sausage sandwich will do it this time!!! I’m buying.

  10. Elatreus on

    I’ve not laughed like that for a while.

    Thanks for bringing smile to my face Keir.

  11. Hardly embarrassing – was pretty funny if anything – first time I’ve heard him say something funny, even accidentally

  12. Far-Ground-8018 on

    This might be the wurst blunder he’s made since becoming PM.

  13. Odd_Presentation8624 on

    He said we won’t be rejoining the Pringle Market, so returning the sausages is the only way we can make Breakfast a success.

  14. It was pretty funny, easy Freudian slip to make. Far less batshit crazy than Truss’ ‘pork markets’ or Boris’ ‘peppa pig world’ jibes in previous years.

  15. Fresh_Mountain_Snow on

    I bet you £££ to say Sausages in your speech somehow type of mistake. 

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