Le nuovissime auto di lusso britanniche ed europee stanno entrando in Russia nonostante il divieto: ecco come


di OpticalData


  1. justmoochin on

    North Korea even do this. Who gives a shit,
    95% of the public have got 101 more things on their mind than this “problem”.

  2. qwerty_1965 on

    No accident it’s happening via Georgia, it’s basically a vassal state of Russia.

  3. HotTubMike on

    Yea just route them through a 3rd country… this can be applied to most anything… really limits the effects of a lot of sanctions.

  4. For all his pretensions as a strongman leader, you’d think Putin could keep something as large as a luxury car out.

  5. king_duck on

    > here’s how

    Fuck your YouTube clickbait headline. Won’t read.

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