L’Australia cerca l’approvazione degli Stati Uniti per consegnare i carri armati M1A1 Abrams all’Ucraina. I media australiani riferiscono che Canberra sta valutando la possibilità di trasferire 59 dei suoi carri armati recentemente dismessi a Kiev, in discussione con Washington.


di RoninSolutions


  1. > Kyiv, the White House and Canberra will identify any crew training requirements, but this could be relatively minor and possibly even done in Ukraine. Ukrainian crews have been operating the tanks for some time so already have a trained and experienced cadre.

    I like the sound of that. We know Ukraine lost some of those tanks donated to them, but this sounds (to me) like most crews survived.

  2. diezel_dave on

    US State Department: “no, these won’t help at all and Russia might feel *too* threatened so request denied.”

  3. 2FalseSteps on

    Decommissioned M1A1’s?

    I remember when they were brand new. Fuck I’m old. 🙁

  4. That-Makes-Sense on

    Air drop those bitches on the front line, full of fuel and ammo, and make a thunder run to Moscow! Knock on the front door of the Kremlin “Puutiiinnn! Come out to plaayaayyy!”

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