Il ministro della Giustizia Shabana Mahmood svela il piano per chiudere le carceri femminili a causa della crisi di sovraffollamento

di insomnimax_99


  1. socratic-meth on

    “Nicola Drinkwater from the charity Women in Prison said: “[This] announcement from the lord chancellor is long awaited and finally signals a recognition that women do not belong in prison.”

    Whilst I don’t doubt that there are many women in prison that don’t belong there, there are plenty that do.

  2. Cowsudders on

    Joanna Dennehy soon to be selling you a new set of steak knives as part of her early release scheme.

  3. SmoothlyAbrasive on

    Huh??? What the fuck is going on here? Are the proper nutters being housed in secure units instead?

  4. D0wnInAlbion on

    Laughable. Criminal justice should be mainly about rehabilitation but there has to be a punishment element too. Humans are flawed and need deterrence to stick to the rules.

  5. mattredditmatt on

    gonna get the mrs to do all the crime from now on then

  6. Sudden-Conclusion931 on

    Why do women who commit criminal offences deserving of prison sentences belong in prison less than men who do the same? I just don’t get it.

  7. Communalbuttplug on

    This two tier thing is pretty much confirmed now isn’t it.

  8. What a truly bizarre attempt to deal with the prison overcrowding problem. First the amnesty, now this.

  9. Squall-UK on

    This is absolutely bonkers.

    We hear so much about women calling for more equality.

    I’m guessing it’s a one way street?

  10. Optimaldeath on

    The overcrowding isn’t going to be solved by just changing them to mens prisons.

    We need a prison service fit for function and that requires investing in several thousand more places which is going to cost billions because reasons.

  11. Mysterious-Zebra382 on

    I hope we do actually expand the prison capacity at some stage instead of doing an indefinite early release for non-violent offenders, because this is kinda sending the impression that “If a violent crime isn’t committed, prison isn’t necessary” which from a purely punishing standpoint? It often isn’t.

    But from the standpoint of reoffending individuals who’ve clearly grown up in instability, lack skills that help them thrive in society and are behind academically also? This is where prisons could help them.. I’ve known people who will just be in and out of prison on short sentences continuously where they would have had the opportunity to do courses, undergo counselling, personality disorder assessments/learning disability assessments (faster waiting time than outside of prison, funnily enough), etc.

    But because they’re given very short sentences that don’t even exceed a year, they aren’t really able to take advantage of any of these things, so recidivism remains a huge risk. I have an older sister who has a history of abusing drugs, alcohol, massive amounts of anti-social behaviour and has been to prison multiple times yet let out early. Nothing has changed.

    I genuinely think if she was at least kept there for a year or more, she’d genuinely have a better chance living a normal life rather than falling into the same patterns.

  12. Dawnbringer_Fortune on

    You mean shut some women prisons. Most will remain

  13. HorristheHungryOgre on

    Has everyone in the Labour cabinet suffered simultaneous blows to the head??

    Why do they keep coming up with idiotic unpopular ideas?

    “lEtS bAn SmOkInG oUtSiDe pUbS!”

    “LeTs rEdUcE pUb OpEnInG TiMeS”

    “LeTs ClOsE pRiSoNs”

    What happened to building more houses or quite frankly building anything at all??

  14. embroidered_badge on

    Well, I suppose we’ve found the next weird incel talking point.
    I wonder if there’ll be an increase in – and presumably corresponding confusion at – the number tate-adjacent types once this is bedded in?

  15. golgothagrad on

    Completely insane and I cannot understand how it would be legal to treat men in a blatantly discriminatory unfavourable way. As far as I’m aware UK Equalities law stresses moral symmetry of different groups rather than ‘rectifying injustice’ and it’s race/gender that are protected characteristics rather than e.g. black/women being protected groups. It’s illegal to unfairly discriminate against men, white people, straight people and so on.

  16. OriginUnknown82 on

    I’m shocked she didn’t say its the patriarchy thats to blame for women going to prison

  17. damadmetz on

    Do the women who shouldn’t be in prison include those who identify as a woman?

    Hard to say that these shouldn’t be included if you believe that they are women.

  18. Midnyte_Zero on

    I’m getting the feeling that this is going to be a one term government

  19. AnalThermometer on

    Labour will consider this and go on about prison capacity, but never raise decriminalising certain drugs when drug offenders make up about 10% of the total prison population.

  20. Labour continues to prove that our political system just swings like a pendulum from right wing idiots, to left wing idiots.

  21. Wakingupisdeath on

    Finally Justice! These women are victims that were subject to all sorts of abuse that led to them committing crimes… Men however were not!…. /s

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