David Lammy alla riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU: la Russia sta cercando di riportarci a un mondo del passato. Un mondo di imperialismo. Non possiamo permettere che ciò accada. La lotta dell’Ucraina è importante per tutti noi


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. CaramelCritical5906 on

    Ok David! Lets stop Ruzzzzzian Imperialism now! Let Ukraine strike Ruzzzzzia with Storm Shadow!!

  2. Stunning_Ad_1685 on

    American here… The UK has really impressed me with its support for Ukraine. Thank you!

  3. Thin_Worldliness_242 on

    Support Ukraine with no limits and no restrictions…let Ukraine strike every single part of Russia!

  4. Birdy19951 on

    Excellent speech. Would be even better if it wasn’t brought by the most imperialistic nation out there, from a historic point of view

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