Il ministro degli Esteri tedesco Annalena Baerbock: puoi ingannare te stesso: l’uomo più forte del tuo paese può nascondersi dietro le ragazze adolescenti che ha rapito. Ma non puoi ingannare il mondo

di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Cleftbutt on

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

    -Putin, probably

  2. Practical-Memory6386 on

    The Russian chick looks like Elijah Wood’s character in Sin City. Hopefully she and her war criminal enablers find a similar fate

  3. Think_Fault_7525 on

    Also The UN: “But let’s not really do anything about it!”

  4. Low_Willingness1735 on

    Well, put! Putin, self-proclaimed the strongest man in the world, is hiding behind little boys & girls he kidnapped from Ukraine. He is fooling himself, & his people don’t think, going to UN meetings BS all day. Such a waste of time!

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