Musk aiuta direttamente la Russia?

di Kloetenschlumpf


  1. Worth_Ad22 on

    No, he spreads russian propaganda on a daily basis in the name of Billy Mays.

  2. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Must be. Easy enough to block bad actors from using Starlink. Unless you slip them some addresses they can use.

  3. deuszu_imdugud on

    Yes. A perfect example of doing anything and anyone for money.

  4. Lord_Sports on

    Of course he does. He doesn’t stop the Russians in anyway. He knows they are using Starlink but he’s not doing anything about it. Yes he knows directly that he’s doing nothing to help.

  5. theoreoman on

    There is a 0% chance starlink let this happen willingly.

    Starlink is going after department of Defense deals for internet services that are worth potentialy billions of dollars. They are not going to compromise that for internet for Iranian drones

  6. Bubbly-Carpenter-519 on

    just another trator that some think has money (less than $47billion and falling)

  7. Appropriate_Air_2671 on

    He does. He spreads propaganda and is harmful for rule of law and democracy, ultimately helping likes of Russia. But starlink is most likely a mistake.

  8. Frondhelm on

    There are some really dumb takes in this thread.

    The United States Department of Defence is heavily involved in Starlink.

    Its a much more nuanced situation than “Musk bad”. There will be much bigger players influencing the situation and making calls on a cost/benefit analysis. One of them being battlefield situational awareness and the rising relevance of electronic warfare.

    Allowing Russian forces to grow confident with a system which will ultimately be entirely beholdant to the US government who shares intel with AFU will be a long term consideration here.

    Everyone involved knows this too. US know it. Ukraine knows it. Russia knows it. And everyone is playing their cards close to their chest.

    It’s not Elon Musk sitting at his computer posting Starlink dishes out to hand picked friends of his with little greeting cards attached to them.

  9. Marvinas-Ridlis on

    There are plenty of ways for ruzzians to get starlink terminals with internet access, like for example buying them second hand through middle men or intercepting ukraine drones. Stop with your conspiracy bs and go hate somewhere else, this sub is about Ukraine.

  10. RevolutionaryBug7588 on

    Old news, there was already a hearing where this was addressed in May:

    It does point out two things:

    1. Sanctions aren’t as effective and full proof as the government leads everyone on to believe. If you look at Russia’s balance sheet, you’d think with all the sanctions placed on them (feel good optics) their economy would be shrinking, but yet it’s growing.

    2. How congress is so disconnected from the understanding of how the real world actually works. You can in essence make it illegal or unlawful or against policy for something to happen, but it does.

  11. BaconBrewTrue on

    Musk both allows, retweets and spreads Kremlin propaganda verbatim and amplifies those who do the same and known Kremlin assets get a platform for their Kremlin paid work. He also allows the use of starlinks in Russia and Russian occupied Ukraine so yes he does. But this shouldn’t be a surprise he is very pro authoritarian and admires dictators like Putin.

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