Agli zoticoni ubriachi dovrebbe semplicemente essere impedito di salire a bordo di un aereo

di underover69


  1. Important_Farmer924 on

    What about happy drunks, will we still be allowed to fly?

  2. marquess_rostrevor on

    I mean that’s what happens in other countries, not exactly a novel approach.

  3. great_whitehope on

    Ryanair sell a two for €15 deal on 50% whiskey onboard.

    I don’t think he actually cares about this that much 😂

  4. WellWellWell2021 on

    Should be a breathalyzer test before boarding. Have a suitable limit for going on a flight.

  5. matchthis007 on

    It’ll eventually be a thing where ye must be drink and drug free before boarding a plane. I’d say most of the jnrulg passengers are down to drink or drugs

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