Kamala Harris contrasta: “Ci sono alcuni nel mio paese che costringerebbero l’Ucraina a rinunciare a gran parte del suo territorio sovrano. Queste proposte sono le stesse di Putin. E sia chiaro, non sono proposte di pace. Sono proposte per una resa pericolosa e inaccettabile”


di Caledor152


  1. HombreSinNombre93 on

    At the start of the war in Ukraine a Republican voter and I argued about support for Ukraine. He believed Rs supported Ukraine. I argued that (at that time in Feb ‘22) while a majority of Rs currently support Ukraine, the House will rapidly switch to no wanting to help.
    I’m sure his current position aligns with TFGs at this point.

    ETA: There really is no Republican Party at this point in time. It is the party of Trump.

  2. Punkprof on

    It’s entirely reasonable that historic Russian territory be the price of peace! Alaska, everyone agreed now?

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