Gli ingegneri del 91esimo con il camion e gli strumenti che hai fornito loro. “Ragazzi, grazie mille!” dicono. “Sei fantastico!”

di UFL_Robin

1 Comment

  1. UFL_Robin on

    [As I wrote yesterday](, you hooked up the engineers of the 91st with a Bundeswehr truck and a plethora of tools to help them do their jobs quickly and safely. Here they are, showing off their new loot.

    Not pictured: the new engine you also hooked them up with. That’s in the engine compartment. There’s a new engine in the engine compartment because it was discovered at the last moment that the old engine was missing a seal, was basically eating itself, and would almost certainly have died and stranded the fearless u/firemanscott, who drove it all from Germany to Ukraine, who knows where.

    Thank you, you guys. From the 91st and from me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this community is one of the best places on the internet. Your unending, unstinting support of Ukraine quite literally keeps us–and, more importantly, them!–going.

    (I always feel gross bringing up donations, but they quite literally keep us and them going, too, so I gotta. No donations–>can’t drop $4400 on an emergency engine purchase, for example. If you’d like to help keep us and them going, this is the way:

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