Come vedo, la Russia è un "nemico" Ora. Le frontiere sono chiuse anche per i familiari, niente bonifici bancari e per loro è praticamente tutto vietato "al solito" persone.

Allo stesso tempo, il valico di frontiera di Vainikkala è aperto ai treni merci e così via YLE ha dettoogni mese arrivano circa 3.500 carrozze dalla Russia alla Finlandia. Decine di milioni di euro vengono pagati alla Russia (e questi soldi serviranno a produrre attrezzature belliche, no?).

Allo stesso tempo, molte navi mercantili, come questa, stanno navigando tra la Finlandia e la Russia, come questo.

Quindi è un po’ sorprendente per me, avere un simile "doppio standard," e mentre la Russia viene odiata dalla TV di Stato, lo Stato, allo stesso tempo, mantiene attivi gli affari finanziari e di trasporto merci.

Why Finland keep trading with Russia?
byu/iftheone inFinland

di iftheone


  1. tiilet09 on

    The reason is quite simple:

    Companies will keep doing it until it creates enough bad press for them to stop.

  2. LonelyRudder on

    You know, even Ukraine is trading with Russia, as they keep the gas pipes open to the Europe, delivering russian gas thru Ukraine. Some stuff bought from russia is so difficult to aquire from elsewhere that the people in charge have decided to trade with russia.

  3. SlummiPorvari on

    Finland is a constitutional state and respects international law and agreements, unlike rüssiä.

    Therefore Finland keeps receiving stuff that has been ordered before the war. Deals were done, you can’t get out of them like that. Because the Finnish customer is obliged to pay, they pay, and they receive the goods back. We could just only pay and receive nothing, so paying and receiving goods is a better option.

    The same goes with export, but if there is some export limitation laid out by EU that of course will stop that export. Then force majeure conditions of the contract can be triggered.

    Then there’s transcontinental trade using railroads. There can be cargo from China that passes through rüssiä and back that comes to Finland through Vainikkala.

    World is a complex place and there is rules we operate by. Although one participant doesn’t follow all the rules it doesn’t mean other players can stop following the rule rules with the one participant. Like in real world, if someone punches you, you’re not allowed to rob that person’s wallet.

    Finland can’t prohibit rüssiän owned companies operating there with extrajudical decisions. Everything has to go according to international law.

    Only shithole countries like rüssia don’t care about international law. Countries like that become pariah states and their opinions go to deaf ears. In times of reckoning countries who didn’t play the rules won’t get opportunity to complain.

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