Qualche percorso/panoramica interessante in moto da visitare lungo questo percorso? Tornerò dalla Danimarca per un evento e stavo cercando di vedere se c’era qualcosa di degno di nota da qualche parte sulla via del ritorno in Olanda.


di MANllAC

1 Comment

  1. pauloouu on

    If you’re looking for interesting motorcycle routes on your way from Denmark back to the Netherlands, there are definitely some scenic and worthwhile spots you can consider along the route through northern Germany. Starting with Schleswig-Holstein, this region is known for its proximity to both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, so you might want to explore some coastal roads or stop at places like the Wadden Sea National Park. The coastal areas offer a lot of natural beauty, with wide-open views of the sea, sand dunes, and unique landscapes that are especially nice on a motorcycle.

    As you make your way down south, cities like Bremen and Osnabrück could be good places to stop. Bremen, for instance, has a rich history as a former Hanseatic city, and the old town with its impressive architecture is worth checking out. Osnabrück is also another historical city with a laid-back vibe. Taking a detour through these cities could give you a nice break from the highway and let you enjoy some local culture, food, and history.

    If you’re more into rural landscapes, you could consider riding through the Münsterland area, which is known for its scenic routes and historical castles. The so-called “100 Castles Route” passes through picturesque countryside and takes you by numerous old castles and manor houses, which could be a cool way to mix a bit of history with your ride.

    In general, riding through northern Germany can offer a mix of open roads, coastal views, and historical towns, giving you a nice balance of nature and culture. Plus, riding a motorcycle through these kinds of landscapes offers a more immersive experience, as you get to feel the wind, hear the sounds of the environment, and see the scenery unfold in a way that’s quite different from being in a car.

    So, if you’re looking for scenic or interesting spots on your route back to the Netherlands, definitely think about sticking to some of the smaller roads along the coast or through these historical towns and rural areas. It’ll make the ride a lot more memorable.

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