Arrestato un uomo dopo il sequestro di oro per un valore di 1,4 milioni di euro a Dublino

di Bill_Badbody


  1. shorelined on

    That’s going to be some Christmas party for the gardaí

  2. GlitteringBreak9662 on

    Don’t ya just love seeing these scumbags lose everything in one fell swoop ?

  3. dmullaney on

    Presumably he was planning on building his own security hut

  4. HugoZHackenbush2 on

    The man will claim in court he came from a tough background, and was a victim of bullion..

  5. No_Organization985 on

    Man is 5ft 0, wearing an SS trenchcoat, in possession of a squeaky voice?

  6. Huge-Objective-7208 on

    What do the guards do with the €1.4M of gold and €400,000 cash. Obviously the drugs get destroyed but is it government property now?

  7. indicator_enthusiast on

    Apparently a witness said that the man who was arrested looked like a child dressed as a post man.

  8. Dangerous-Shirt-7384 on

    1.4m in gold

    A.K.A 1 security hut at Leinster House.


    Shame on him. The government could’ve wasted that gold

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