La star di Instagram Garron Noone: ‘Alcune persone hanno oltrepassato il limite. Ho dovuto rivolgermi alle guardie per alcune cose’

di Bill_Badbody


  1. funpubquiz on

    I wouldn’t have much time for internet personalities but he came across as very likeable in that interview.

  2. Comfortable-Can-9432 on

    Ah fair play to him, he’s had a tough auld life by the sounds of that article. He seems like a nice enough fella.

    Horrible to hear he’s had to go to Gardai about people.

  3. Curraghboy1 on

    My cynical cold dead heart says, new podcast, have to get the word out.

  4. taleoftales on

    I like Garron’s stuff, he seems pretty authentic and he’s carving out his own niche without recycling the same tired shite about the immersion or whatever. I can’t even begin to imagine the wild level of weird shit you have to deal with as a content creator though. You’d need to be bulletproof.

  5. MrMiracle27 on

    Enjoy his stuff hopefully it won’t be like Blindboy with people getting gradually jaded of him.

  6. segasega89 on

    This guy seems nice. I always wondered where in Ireland he was from because of his accent and I couldn’t place it.

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