La crisi immobiliare è globale. Cosa stanno facendo gli altri paesi al riguardo? | Alan Kohler

di That_Technician_439


  1. TheStoicNihilist on

    Building houses? I mean, what other solution is there besides offing people?

  2. It’s wild how this gets presented as an Irish only problem here in media and by politicians and isn’t presented as a global issue and the reasons behind it laid bare.

    All parties are making political hay out of it coming up to the budget and the election. Like who the fuck do you vote for when the time comes because all of them face the same restrictions and spout the same empty promises?

  3. Until housing is seen as a human right and not a commodity it will continue forever.

  4. Deliberate scarcity. Keeps prices and rents high for the lending and owner class.

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