La FA risponde dopo che un giornalista è stato escluso dalla serata di combattimento di boxe saudita a Wembley

di boycecodd

1 Comment

  1. Mammoth-Ad-562 on

    >Bernstein went on to say that the entire situation will only worsen and aired his concerns around the growth of Saudi influence in British sport, pointing out the need for an Independent Football Regulator.

    This is what we see in society at all levels. Money corrupts people and institutions, whether it’s profit or revenue, the main driver for questionable practices is always money.

    It has become normalised to the point you have people supporting the UK’s inclusion in the EU solely because our government cannot be trusted to do what’s right so they believe we need another government to ensure our government act appropriately. We have people like Bernstein supporting another independent body in football to ensure that the existing independent bodies in football do the right thing.

    When will people realise that it doesn’t matter how many bodies or framework they invent, people will always be corrupted by money.

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