Alla campionessa olimpica russa Jelena Valbe viene chiesto come la Russia potrà tornare alle competizioni sportive internazionali.🤡

di Due_Collar_3917


  1. diezel_dave on

    Everyone should see this. If I had the money, I’d buy targeted ad time and make sure Republicans see it. 

  2. tauntauntom on

    Russia internationally is about as intimidating as this woman is right now.

  3. International-Bed453 on

    It’s weird they regard the UK as their main enemy, not the US or Germany, say. But as a Brit, not gonna lie, kind of makes me proud.

  4. SpaceMonkeyOnABike on

    If they hit Luton they might even gain some suppport!

  5. Well, she not worng. It would all end if they dropped a bomb on London city center. The Russian problem would be fixed quite rappidly I would guess.

    “Our power irritates the world.” Almost, “Our existence irritates the world.”

  6. Glad-Divide-4614 on

    Sooner or later they’ll let us back in…

    …no they won’t, you’re done

  7. PapaGilbatron on

    Her reply is quite a simple solution. Equally, we could say drop a bomb on Moscow. Neither will happen so the Russians are remain outsiders and continue to be ostracised for their pathetic views on what it actually takes to be a considerate, civilised nation.

  8. bluestrobephoto on

    Yes…it will end when they drop a bomb on London City Center because the next moment there will be no more ruZZia!

  9. Cooper-xl on

    “drop a bomb on London” to return to sport competitions… Makes perfect sense… The world was fine with Russia until they invaded another country…

  10. Kan4lZ0n3 on

    Won’t get work in this town with that attitude. Or any town again for that matter. An appearance at a war crimes trial perhaps, but not an international sporting event.

  11. Glum-Engineer9436 on

    Sure that will get you into international sports…:-)

  12. Panzerhaubitze2022 on

    Are the people in Russia really so stupid that they believe they can solve a ‘problem’ by throwing a bomb at a city?

  13. KP6fanclub on

    The only thing she is threating to – is a buffet table.

  14. ProfessionalPhone215 on

    I would exclude Russia for the next 100 years. Maybe more.

  15. Far-Possible8891 on

    Anyone who thinks that getting rid of Putin would magically make Russia want peace is fooling themselves. This video is yet more evidence of that.

  16. >”Sooner or later they will allow us to compete.”

    This seems like a pretty bold prediction, given the circumstances. After nearly 3 years of self-destruction, Russia might very well cease to exist before it ever returns to competition.

    Think of all the athletes who expected to compete in the 1992 Olympics under the Soviet flag.

  17. RoninSolutions on

    Jelena was heavily involved with keeping the orc track team that was banned from the Olympics in training ,she would sit in a field & they would run the 1500 mtr by doing a lap around her ass.

  18. tekkitan on

    When people talking about “it’s putin not normal russians” show them this lol

  19. Decent-Ad9541 on

    This stuck pig doesn’t look much like an Olympian to me

  20. Optimal_Commercial_4 on

    “Our power irritates the whole world”

    they’re all this delusional aren’t they.

  21. Efficient-Sea-8698 on

    soo cool…the average russian…only peace in their mind..gotta live them

  22. balamb_fish on

    She’s repeating a line that Russian TV pundits say every day. Either she believes it, or she’s saying it in public to show how patriotic she is to the right people.

  23. vladutuk on

    Adds whole new meaning for “fighting for my place back in”.

  24. Destinum on

    Funny thing is it wasn’t even the invasion that got them banned from the Olympics, it was the constant doping.

  25. JesradSeraph on

    My sister in borshch your army can hardly hit Kharkiv which is right on your border … or rather where the border used to be before Ukraine pushed it back.

  26. Intenso-Barista7894 on

    They talk about bombing us as though they think we haven’t got our own bombs and aren’t part of the largest military alliance on Earth.

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