La tragedia di Babyn Yar: più di 34.000 ebrei giustiziati lì dai nazisti nel settembre 1941

di UNITED24Media


  1. Yes, most of understand what happened to the Jews during Nazism. However, do they want to be remembered for similar actions in history books of the future?

  2. CalCapital on

    It truly is astonishing to see how the victims have become the perpetrators in this way.

  3. TheManWhoClicks on

    And I can’t believe that such a sizable group here in the US and in Europe wants to have this back. Absolute psychopathic horror.

  4. Shirolicious on

    Is it weird to find these videos “censored” on the internet? Like why hide the gruwesome images of what was actually done

  5. weinsteinspotplants on

    And Israel is getting revenge for this ever since by carrying out it’s own genocide?

  6. WolfetoneRebel on

    Such a stain on history to try to wipe out a group of people. The sad irony is not lost on me either.

  7. A family story from a Ukrainian. My great grandma told me a story of how our family were trying to hide a family of Jews in their house in the village. The parents were already taken, only two sisters and a brother remained. At night nazis came for them so they rushed through the window. One of the oficers shot at the younger boy that was the last one trying to get out. The boy fell on the ground failing to get out i time, but my great grandfather (standing close to the window) saw that he was still alive (probably fainted or pretended to be shot). The offices wanted to make sure he’s dead and atarted approaching him. At that moment my (then a baby) grandma started crying, woken up from the gunshot. So my great grandfather begged the officer to leave the house, saying that the boy is already dead and the baby is crying, will attract unwanted attention, so the officer left. That’s how that boy and his sisters were saved. The older sister then left her golden ring as a gratitude, but then the russians came and took everything they had, including the animals they owned and of course any jewelry. Moral of the story: fuck nazzis, fuck russians.

  8. Moosplauze on

    Horrible. It’s so hard to process that people who lived regular lifes before the war with kids and wives and pets and everything were able to commit such terrible crimes.

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