Perdite dell’esercito russo al 30.9.2024



  1. Safewordharder on

    Consistently losing 1000+ people a day is mind-boggling to me.

    My entire high school dead in three days.

  2. Recently there was another Ukrainian attack on an ammo depot, but unfortunately they missed. But it’s hopeful to see them try at least.

    Tanks, AFVs, and artillery decreased, so I’m also hoping the current Russian offensive is slowing down.

  3. Max_Stoned on

    My guess is we’re gonna see some fireworks once 10k tanks have been destroyed

  4. hodgkinthepirate on

    Just your daily reminder that…

    – The Russian Armed Forces have mobilized and drafted thousands of unskilled and untrained soldiers

    – The Russian Armed Forces are highly corrupt

    – The Russian Armed Forces are highly disorganized and lack co-ordination

    – The Russian Armed Forces do not even have proper equipment

    And if you think this is bad, wait till you hear this: the Russian Air Force has seriously outdated planes. Pilots have to use their phones as navigation tools.

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