Putin firma il decreto che prevede l’arruolamento di 133.000 uomini nella campagna di coscrizione autunnale


di duckanroll


  1. Wizard-In-Disguise on

    When will they start kidnapping people from neighboring countries for the war? I hear students from India are victims of this phenomenon already.

  2. Common_Brick_8222 on

    The country needs new cannon fodder to capture another village where 5-6 people live!

  3. Frown for those titles. It’s about regular conscription that happens semi-annually. Why not saying it straight? But no, we need more hate /s

    Quoting the very first sentence:

    >Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling up 133,000 young men for mandatory military service as part of the routine autumn conscription campaign

    What a joke Novaya Gazeta Europe has become. After moving to Latvia it’s nothing like real independent journalism anymore but just propaganda. They must be ashamed to even use that name.

  4. ensun_rizz on

    Not from Moscow or St. Petersburg but from surrounding republics like Dagestan so most white ruZZians won’t care.

  5. DeathBySentientStraw on

    Remember guys

    The Army consists of Concsripted Ethnic Minorities and Poor Russians but also the Russian people as a whole are evil down to the core and willing actors

    Also Russia will collapse in like 2 seconds with their comically weak army but it also has the capacity to be the root cause behind every bad thing that’s going on in Europe (and the world) rn

    The enemy is both weak and dangerously cunning

    The enemy is both weak and dangerously cunning

    The enemy is both weak and dangerously cunning

    The enemy is both weak and dangerously cunning

    The enemy is both weak and dangerously cunning

  6. Russia: 0,1% of population gets enlisted into semi-annual reserve training

    r/europe: Putin kidnaps cannon fodder to send to the meat grinder

  7. hypnotoad94 on

    Just to be clear, it happens twice a year and has nothing to do with the war. I guess many of those conscripts will be pressured to sign a contract later though.

  8. therebirthofmichael on

    Yeah let’s send the youngest and most productive population of the country to capture a village with 50 people!!!

  9. vicegrip on

    Or, you know Russians, you could just give Putin window disease and call the war off. Just saying. Nobody wants this war.

  10. EchoVolt on

    Do Russians never get fed up with this?

    They just seem remarkably compliant with what is a lot of nonsense really.

  11. Hermera9000 on

    Crippling the nation for decades if not millennia’s to come, just to proof the point of “I am right and you are wrong” (obviously to all that he is wrong though)

  12. Either you kill him or he’ll slowly kill you all. Your choice.

  13. silver2006 on

    What about women?

    Or is Russia trying to create the scenario from its 2022 TV series “Два холма” (Dva holma) in real life?

    (It’s a nicely made fun tv series btw, reminds me of the movie “Sexmission” from 1984 we had in Poland)

    Sad, but on the other hand why the compliance?
    When will Russian people stand up and say “This is enough!”

    They were able to depose the tzar, organize a revolution in the past, not once

  14. sierra771 on

    None from Moscow or St Petersburg though. He is scared of a popular uprising if too many funeral processions are going through the capital.

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