Un diario segreto di un omicidio di massa https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/09/polish-journalist-kazimierz-sakowicz-holocaust-witness-diary/680020/ di cynycal
cynycal on 30/09/2024 14:45 [Archived view.](http://archive.today/d0whm) add: I stumbled into another Lithuania story, of this type, from 2016, on the discovery of a [‘secret tunnel.’](http://archive.today/TMw51) tags: Jews; mass murder; Nazis; Lithuania; history; diarist; reveal
1 Comment
[Archived view.](http://archive.today/d0whm)
add: I stumbled into another Lithuania story, of this type, from 2016, on the discovery of a [‘secret tunnel.’](http://archive.today/TMw51)
tags: Jews; mass murder; Nazis; Lithuania; history; diarist; reveal