“Si sono semplicemente rivoltati contro di lei”: la sorella della vittima di bullismo XL chiede regole più severe prima del divieto


di Important_Farmer924


  1. Fine_Mushroom_9488 on

    Laws and rules probably won’t stop the people who breed such a dog from selling them.

  2. Important_Farmer924 on

    Sure what’s the point if the rules aren’t enforced.

  3. jay_el_62 on

    They could change it to a life sentence. Won’t matter a fuck if the current level of enforcement continues.

  4. the_0tternaut on

    The use of the word “victim” here isn’t as straightforward as it might be.

  5. AdamOfIzalith on

    There should just be a blanket ban on dog breeding and have a specific caveat on so-called “designer dogs”.

    The negative outcomes are numerous with the XL Bully being one of many. The dog is the product of eugenics plain and simple and they are responsible for something crazy like half of overall reported deaths by dogs in the past few years. There’s an argument to be made that with the appropriate care, the right owner and the correct conditions that XL Bully’s wouldn’t be an issue but unfortunately that’s just not the case. An XL Bully is seen is a product that requires minimal investment of food, shelter, water and attention and they get a big animal that is designed to intimidate people and that’s already a bad mix from the get go. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with an XL bully that I think would be able to survive an encounter with one if, based on what they told me, they got in a stressful situation with the animal.

    As I said though it’s one problem of many. It’s something that’s being recognized in recent years by various countries that are bringing in snout measurements to insure that animals aren’t so inbred as a result of these designer breeders that it causes negative health complications, most of which are not readily apparent on first sight but if you want dogs that’s are inbred and it’s visible on-sight the pug being a prime example or [Bull Terriers](https://external-preview.redd.it/4pSR6sS9rA6uuOhcVGDwSE1nQQSGZhhvo3grsm9r6_0.jpg?auto=webp&s=5d5af6542614a3b347fcfcaa0eac26049cf5cc62). Most major veterinary organizations have said that dogs are dangerously inbred. “breeds” of dog shouldn’t exist, at least not in the way they are now as all of them are “breeds” we made up to serve specific functions based on desired characteristics.

    It’s not on, it creates a poor life experience for the animal, it creates breeds like the XL Bully who are many times more likely to harm their owners and/or people around them and even just the acts and practices involved in the breeding process are manky and cunts shouldn’t be profiting off that.

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