La Russia prevede un aumento del 30% della spesa per la difesa nel 2025

di KernunQc7


  1. KernunQc7 on

    “Russia’s government plans to increase defense spending by about 30% next year as it diverts more resources to fund its war in Ukraine, according to Russia’s draft budget plans, which were published on Monday.

    Moscow has already ramped up its military spending to levels not seen since the Soviet era, as it pumps out missiles and drones to fire at Ukraine and increases salaries in its effort to build up its forces.

    The latest planned increase in spending will take Russia’s defense budget to 13.5 trillion rubles ($145 billion) in 2025, according to a document published on the parliament’s website.

    That figure does not include some other resources being directed to the military campaign, such as spending that Russia labels as “domestic security” and some outlays classified as top secret.

    Combined spending on defense and security will account for around 40% of Russia’s total government spending — or 41.5 trillion rubles ($440 billion) in 2025.

    Before sending the draft budget to the lower-house State Duma, Moscow trumpeted an increase in investment and social welfare alongside higher military outlays.

    The “top priority” of the budget is “social support for citizens,” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told a televised government meeting last Tuesday.

    “The second is the provision of expenditures on defense and security, providing the resources for the special military operation and support for families of those participating in the special military operation,” he added, using Russia’s official language for its war in Ukraine.

    But the figures suggest that military expenditures have crowded out spending in other areas of the economy.

    Planned spending on “national defense” is more than twice that allocated to social spending.”

  2. Nonsense_Producer on

    My head hurts.

    “Russia’s government plans to increase defense spending by about 30% next year as it diverts more resources to fund its war in Ukraine […]”

    “The “top priority” of the budget is “social support for citizens,” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told a televised government meeting last Tuesday.”

    Gas revenue plummets. Oil revenue lower than expected. Massive tax increase or just print more money?

  3. Leather_Strain6429 on

    In case of Russia, it should be called attack spending

  4. External_Reaction314 on

    I just watched a video on how war economy is unsustainable. Sooner or later it reaches a tipping point, and Russia increasing interest rates points to this becoming closer and closer. Waiting on the consequences to hit them in the face like a train

  5. Affectionate_Cat293 on

    $145 billion, that’s like 6.5% of Russia’s GDP. This year, they’re already spending $109 billion or 5.9% of its GDP: [](

    Meanwhile, Ukraine spent $64.8 billion this year or around 37% of its GDP: [](

    As a comparison, the US has given a total of $107 billion directly to Ukraine, with $69.8 billion for military support and $34.2 billion for budget support (understandable given that the Ukrainian government runs on large deficit) [](

    Russia seems to be determined to win by attrition. It will keep grinding in the Donbas until Ukrainian lines break due to the lack of manpower/depletion of ammunition/end of American military aid. The attrition in terms of manpower is the most critical since no amount of money can conjure 100,000 trained soldiers out of thin air.

  6. DearBenito on

    At this point Russia is just rehearsing the Soviet-Afghan war. History really does repeats first as a tragedy then as a farce. This time the outcome will be even more hilarious given nobody is going to bail their ass out of the incoming default

  7. harry6466 on

    Russian citizens: please just 1% in our welfare.

    Russia: haha cannon fodder go brrr

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