Abbandona nuove strade per riparare le buche, dice l’81% degli inglesi nella settimana in cui DfT rivelerà il piano di finanziamento

di pppppppppppppppppd


  1. lastaccountgotlocked on

    Build more roads, get more traffic. More traffic, more potholes.

    Build railway lines and bike lanes, FFS.

  2. LicenseToShill on

    Pot holes in the UK are usually on small roads and a Local authority budget issue.
    Road building are a DFT national budget issue.

    UK motorways and major roads are very good compared to places like Italy where you need to pay for toll roads to avoid pot holes.

  3. JBWalker1 on

    Pavements are in by far worse condition imo. They just never get redone. My council has repaved most roads in the last few years meanwhile most pavements are crumbling, and now the council is repaving the carpark next!

    Worst of all is that cars/motor vehicles are responsible for a lot of the damaged and crumbling pavements because they get to park on them.

  4. But but maintaining the stuff we have doesn’t involve any ribbon cutting and that makes politicians sad.

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