Una mappa in un presunto libro di testo irlandese. Qualcuno lo riconosce? Apparentemente l’Irlanda del Nord è esistita per un breve periodo durante la prima guerra mondiale.


di AnotherGreedyChemist


  1. 7elevenses on

    Some context from the original post:

    Both maps are really really bad with plenty of outright disinformation across Europe and North Africa, unacceptable for a textbook in any country. But the 1921 border of NI on the 1914 map makes it especially bad for an Irish textbook.

  2. Moist-District-53 on

    I was a history teacher for a number of years.

    A very long time ago, I came to the conclusion that those who write history textbooks have absolute bone-deep contempt for geography. Some of the worst maps I have ever seen are in history textbooks, and not just in Irish textbooks as I’ve taught abroad too. This is a universal trend, and I just cannot understand it.

    Even in this example. I am assuming that map B is meant to be between the two world wars. Poland has been absolutely distorted out of shape compared to what it should look like because Germany has been given its post-1945 borders. I cannot even count the number of errors in this map, let alone deal with the colour scheme of using the same colour on neighbouring countries.

    I would have corrected one of my first year students if they drew a map like this, yet somehow it ends up in a textbook and distributed to schools across the country.

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