Stati membri della Comunità politica europea nel 2024

di DrNeutrino


  1. DrNeutrino on

    A pet project of French president Emmanuel Macron, sometimes interpreted as an answer to ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, European Political Community (EPC) was proposed, agreed and formed quickly, with its first meeting on 6.10.2022 and expansion to current 47 member states completed in 2024. As of today, there are no plans for further expansion.

    The aims of EPC from [Wikipedia](

    > In his address to the European Parliament on 9 May 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed the EPC as “a new European organization” that would allow countries “that subscribe to our shared core values to find a new space for cooperation” on politics, security, energy, infrastructure, investment, and migration.

    > EPC has been interpreted by academics as a response to the invasion of Ukraine but also an attempt at rapprochement between member states of the EU and the UK and a reflection of the limits of the EU to own or fulfil the objectives of European integration and pro-Europeanism, particularly regarding geopolitics.

    > The aim of EPC is to provide a policy coordination platform for European countries across the continent and to foster political dialogue and cooperation to address issues of common interest, so as to strengthen the security, stability and prosperity of the European continent, in particular in regard to the European energy crisis.

    > EPC aims at strengthening the links between EU member states and non-EU member states who share the same European values, increasing cooperation between the member countries on a large scale of topics such as peace, security, energy, climate, migration and the current economic situation and allowing candidate states to start taking part in some European projects, such as student and university exchanges.

  2. DeathBySentientStraw on

    What’s the point if over a third of the continent is gone, doesn’t matter if the states are **INCREDIBLY** shitty frankly

    This is just saying “Europe is a civilised continent” with extra steps

  3. Honestly, the EPC is pretty pointless when the Council of Europe already exists. Russia was expelled from the CoE three months before the founding of the EPC and Belarus has never been a member of the CoE. The only difference is Kosovo is yet to become a full member of the CoE, but 1. It isn’t consequential to the motivation behind the EPC’s creation and 2. Kosovo already participates in the CoE as an observer and invited non-voting member in most of its institutions. I think the EPC was mostly a publicity stunt without practical value. All of this dialogue and cooperation stuff should be relegated to the CoE and not be duplicated.

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