La polizia ha utilizzato gas lacrimogeni, ma la reazione delle forze dell’ordine è caotica e confusa. Sembrano sorpresi dalla quantità di pubblico che si stima sia di circa 20-30.000 persone
Un esponente dell’opposizione azera muore dopo un brutale attacco in Francia di 000c
almarcTheSun on 01/10/2024 18:50 In France nothing less. These assholes are feeling extremely brave lately from going unpunished for so long.
spetcnaz on 01/10/2024 19:10 I kiiiiinda wanna say, լավ են անում, կարում են, անում են։ Aliyev doesn’t get punished and feels invincible, so he will keep doing this till he gets Saddamed or at least his place shown.
Rest in peace. No one deserves to die like that
In France nothing less. These assholes are feeling extremely brave lately from going unpunished for so long.
I kiiiiinda wanna say, լավ են անում, կարում են, անում են։
Aliyev doesn’t get punished and feels invincible, so he will keep doing this till he gets Saddamed or at least his place shown.