Ex prete britannico muore in seguito ad un incontro sessuale alimentato dalla droga con un pastore belga durante un viaggio in visita al Papa


di MastodonOk8087


  1. There has to be something about drug fueled sexual romps in the bible somewhere

  2. tesrepurwash121810 on

    But doctors are murderers right? I hope the pope never visit Belgium again

  3. PossibleBreak4477 on

    What an interesting trip it was and how unpredictable the ending was

  4. I_Hath_Returned on

    This title came at me so fast, it gave me whiplash.
    I need to sit down.

  5. aeneas_cy on

    “The priest of the rings: The Rings of Sodomy”; a thrilling tale of a former priest’s perilous journey to distant lands, driven by a relentless quest for the conquest of a ring.

  6. Spicy-hot_Ramen on

    What the hell is wrong with them. We see similar articles almost every week. Zero days since a priest died in some naughty way

  7. Precious_Cassandra on

    And somehow the top suggested story was worse (priest orgy where they hired a male prostitute who died from taking erection pills).

    As someone who follows Jesus but not Christianity (for reasons that… should now be obvious), seriously wtf?!?

    (I have no issue with gay couples… It’s the hypocrisy that bothers me…)

  8. Brad_Brace on

    Everybody involved was a consenting adult? Cool. Plenty worse ways to go than after having amazing sex with your lover.

  9. gerhardsymons on

    Our dealer, who art on whatsapp, mellowed be your ways.

    Thy customers come, and come again in the Vatican, as they do in Belgium.

    Forgive us our sins, even though we are massive hypocrites.

    And lead us not into reddit memes,

    For thine is the meth, the coke, and the party drug, forever and ever,

    Peace out.

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