Decine di criminali liberati in anticipo dalle carceri scozzesi per contrastare il sovraffollamento sono tornati in prigione dopo aver commesso “recidivi”

di JayR_97


  1. XenorVernix on

    >Non-sexual crimes of violence: 20

    Why are we letting violent criminals out early? Guess we should be glad no one has been raped or murdered over this policy yet.

    The left will say prison is about rehabilitation, but clearly these have not completed that process?

    The right will say build more prisons. I’m on that boat. Creates jobs too.

  2. gardenfella on

    This piece of information alone is meaningless. Some released prisoners will re-offend. That’s nothing new.

    To have a proper picture, you’d need to look at the re-offending rates of those released early versus similar prisoners that weren’t.

  3. jimmyrayreid on

    Let them out early, let them out late, they’ll reoffend regardless. There’s nothing a few more years of prison would do to reduce that chance. Some people are just uncontrolled animals

  4. BRbeatdown on

    >Prison governors also had the power to veto the release of any inmate they deemed an “immediate risk” to a specific individual or group.

    >The recorded index offence groupings for which people returned to custody included:

    > Non-sexual crimes of violence: 20

    >The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) said those who returned to custody remained in the community for between two and 61 days,

    Who whoulda thunk it? Violent criminals are the types of people that have a child like ability to control their actions, are volatile, and can’t be predicted and released early with any amount of certainty they won’t instantly commit the same crimes they committed before!

    If they have > than a 10% failure rate at assessing who should be released early, that’s simply not high enough for me to be happy with them releasing ANY criminals convicted of violent offences early, at all.

  5. Amazing_Battle3777 on

    Government & Justice system once again letting innocent people be victim to stupid policies.

    Should be grounds to take Gov to court in my opinion.

  6. Djinjja-Ninja on

    So what they’re saying is that the system works? Prisoners are released under terms that if they break them end up returned to prison.

    They were released early, they re-offended, they are back. It’s almost like the ones that re-offended would likely have done so even if they served their full term.

  7. Build more prisons. It’s that simple. Massive population increase, we need more capacity.

  8. Occasionally-Witty on

    **Scottish Government**: All right, I’m going to make a little deal with you mugs. I’m going to let you all out to see my team play the hockey game if you promise to return to your cells!

    **Prisoners**: Sorry, pig. We can’t make that promise.

    **Scottish Government**: All right… all right, I’ll sweeten the deal. You can see the game, you don’t have to come back, but you have to promise not to commit any more crimes, OK?

    **Prisoners**: No.

    **Scottish Government**: I’ll take that as a yes.

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