L’estrema destra francese va sotto processo per presunta appropriazione indebita di fondi europei per il partito


di No-Organization8412


  1. Fancy-Row-9801 on

    One common thing among far-right parties all around the world, seems to be their lack of ethics and values. So much for the party of order, tradition and people’s voice.

    As a french I hope the Rassemblement National goes into as much trouble as Trump and other hypocrites of the same type. They are a shame for France.

  2. tesrepurwash121810 on

    >This could derail a potential fourth presidential run for Marine Le Pen in the 2027 election, even as recent polls place her as the most favourable potential presidential candidate among voters

    It’s like everyone in France has a fascist ratatouille on their head telling them to vote for Le Pen.

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