La domanda era se ci sarebbe stata un’escalation se avessimo lasciato che l’Ucraina colpisse la Russia con missili occidentali a lungo raggio.

di Loki9101


  1. whatupmygliplops on

    The West thinks hospitals, schools, and apartments being blown up, on purpose, is acceptable. Its funny Americans didn’t feel that way on 911.

  2. If the west was +1 step ahead, the war would have been over a while ago. If USA gave Ukraine the weapons to defend itself before the full scale invasion in 2022, Russia would have made zero ground.

  3. WotTheHellDamnGuy on

    That’s the story of the U.S. in general; we always do the right thing, after trying everything cheaper or easier first.

  4. YWAK98alum on

    I agree with the sentiment but also appreciate the irony of the link being to X …

  5. Gaahwhatsmypassword on

    I’m reading an in-depth narrative about the US Civil War. What’s astonishing is the attitude has always been this… “How can we accomplish an objective without actually commiting to it?” In the civil war, that bad attitude prolonged it by years and cost hundreds of thousands. We can’t even lay the blame on Lincoln or any generals… The public didn’t want to commit so Lincoln’s hands were tied. Now again, the public doesn’t want to commit… We just don’t seem to learn that we should just pay up front – it’s the cheaper option (though I must in fairness acknowledge that breaking Russia quickly and l potentially losing track of hundreds of nukes is a terrible end to this war… That said, a display of strength from the outset may have avoided this current situation AND a violent fall of Russia). 

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