Ex deputato Jonathan Gullis: Le scuole sono un ambiente ostile per i conservatori


di Fox_9810


  1. I wonder why that could be.

    Maybe the utter contempt the party has shown?

    Crappy pay rises?

    Shattering of discipline?

    Scape goating?

    Lack of support.

    Unrealistic expectations?

    Told to shut up about infrastructure?

    Nothing done about bullying?

    Lack of investment?

    To name a few things that it may just be.

    There is always a job picking fruit for him must just be lazy.

  2. TeenySod on

    Cry me a fuckin river, at least you will get your MP pension. Welcome to our world Mr G.

  3. imminentmailing463 on

    It’s really amusing seeing MPs who spent years talking shit as MPs lose their seat and discover that weirdly lots of regular employers don’t want to employ people who talk shit.

  4. Innocuouscompany on

    “Oh we’re so victimised”. Perhaps if you weren’t self serving useless cunts that cut and privatise everything even if by doing so it makes it worse then you’d be welcomed with open arms.

  5. gardenfella on

    Tories were a hostile government for schools.

    Total lack of proper investment and real terms pay cuts for teachers.

  6. A building full of teachers who your party spent 14 years lowering standards for and kids whose childhoods you wrecked the quality of compared to previous generations was never going to like you Jon.

  7. iamjoemarsh on

    Being a tory is bad enough, but this guy is an absolute dickhead. Not surprised no one will hire him, every time I’ve seen him in HoC at PM questions or doing pretty much anything else, he’s acting like a braying moron.

  8. NeighborhoodLow8503 on

    “Smarter people don’t like us” is a hell of an own goal

  9. Charming-Potato4804 on

    The only solution is to create specialist schools like Eton, Harrow, Brighton, Wycombe Abbey…………..oh!

  10. loonongrass on

    Don’t even think it’s strictly him being a former Tory MP that’s the problem. He was one of the worst of the bottom of the barrel 2019 cohort. Constantly made an idiot out of himself in media appearances and had a tendency to talk down and show contempt for his constituents, teachers and the general public. Children need supportive figures in the classroom and I can’t see this fool being capable of supporting struggling pupils. He’d also find himself in an untenable position when any pupils look him up and find videos of him making an absolute arse of himself.

  11. 0ttoChriek on

    Maybe the Tories should spend less time denigrating education and educated people, and treat teachers and schools like they’re actually invaluable to the future of the country. Just a thought.

  12. telephone_monkey_365 on

    Man who voted for children in poverty not to receive school meals and openly spouted right wing conspiracy while supporting a variety of leaders on a spectrum of psychopathic to mentally unwell surprised to find academic positions in charge of children are out of reach to him. 

    I’d change schools if my child attended one that hired him.

  13. Happytallperson on

    As an MP Gullis repeatedly showed himself to be nasty and bullying. This isn’t an ideology thing. It isn’t even policy. On a personal level he spent his time being vicious and nasty. 

    It’s not a surprise no one wants him working in schools.

  14. wagonwheels87 on

    I wonder when it clicks in the heads of people like Gullis that popularity is something that comes and goes. Just because you got voted for in the past doesn’t mean it’s permanent.

    You can have shit takes and people will still vote for you.

  15. pajamakitten on

    Because they teach tolerance, charity and equality? If teaching children to be good people is anathema to being conservative then good. It shows the issue with modern day social conservatism.

  16. Wiiboy95 on

    >One former MP and teacher, Jonathan Gullis, says he hasn’t had a single job interview in the three months since losing his seat in the Stoke-on-Trent constituency.

    That’s just how the job market is right now. Have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps?

  17. mattscazza on

    We constantly fucked these people over and demonised them in the media. Now they don’t like us? What gives?

  18. HomeworkInevitable99 on

    I worked in school.

    Little don’t turtle about politics because we are too busy and like anywhere, it is best avoided.

    I’m not saying people never talk about it, but you wouldn’t know who most people vote for.

    Just like the saying “if you carry a hammer, everything looks like a nail’, I’d say, ‘if you keep talking about who teachers vote for, they all look Labour, Tory or liberal’. In truth, they are all human beings trying to get on.

    Teachers are mostly good people trying to do a job.

  19. miksa668 on

    Oh bless his poor, neo-fascist heart! Sounds like he needs to take some classic Tory personal responsibility and pull himself up by his bootstraps. Maybe he can use some off his off-time to reflect on his support for defunding the same schools that won’t hire him now.

    Piece of shit, I hope he starves.

  20. Lumpy_Sun_7034 on

    After viewing his Wikipedia page, the man is an idiot. The bit about his career is a long list of ways he’s acted like a twat.

    My favourite: “In November 2020, following an interim report on the connections between colonialism and properties now in the care of the National Trust, including links with historic slavery, Gullis was among the signatories of a letter to The Telegraph from the “Common Sense Group” of Conservative MPs. The letter accused the National Trust of being “coloured by cultural Marxist dogma, colloquially known as the ‘woke’ agenda”.”

    No wonder nobody wants to hire this weirdo who has an issue with the National Trust of all things.

  21. ignore_the_bots on

    20 years of Tories being hostile to the nation will do that

  22. martzgregpaul on

    “I spent years slagging off teachers now they dont like me boo hoo”

  23. They spent 14 years trying to smash the unions that have kept teachers above water. What did the expect?

  24. Seven_Balls on

    I watched him being interviewed on election night, he was asked if he would be going back into teaching if he lost his seat. He laughed and said he didn’t think he would be welcome there.

    I remember thinking “As if this self serving twat would lower himself to applying for a job back in teaching after being on the front benches! More likely to be trying to leverage his political connections as a grifting lobbyist.”

    Note he is only saying he hasn’t had an interview – it’s the journalist who extends that to imply his job applications must then have been rejected.

    I’ll have a fiver on “no job applications were made” please

  25. ArchdukeToes on

    Is he *still* going on about this? Does he really think that playing the whiny victim is going to help in landing himself one of those sweet leadership positions he clearly thinks he’s qualified for?

    The guy hasn’t been a teacher for a while, has spent *part* of that time very loudly (and unprofessionally) slagging off teachers, and for some reason thinks that people shouldn’t be taking his prior performance and behaviour into account when deciding whether or not he’s more or less suitable than other candidates?

  26. ElvishMystical on

    Wah wah effing wah. See this is the thing with Tories, it’s always someone else who is the problem. Always. If it’s not Labour or immigrants, it’s benefit claimants, it’s single mothers, it’s the deep state, it’s the anti-growth coalition, it’s someone else or some other group of people.

    Last night I attended a local community engagement meeting with the local council, a few organisations, local councillors, mainly Labour, but one Tory councillor turned up for the first time, and it was the exact same pattern – whine, blame, whine, blame, whine, blame, on and on and on and on.

    See this is the issue I have with Tories, they always seem to want to put others down to make themselves look good. Always. Most Tory politicians come across as being in it for themselves, or for the money. Power for power’s sake, or just to dump on a group of people. So glad they’re no longer in power. Less chance for them to fuck up other people’s lives.

  27. PitchNumerous4851 on

    Entire British education system has been infiltrated by Marxists….They hate everything and not just Tories

  28. yaldylikebobobaldy on

    ‘Some guy Jonathan says some obvious shit and nobody cares’

  29. FewEstablishment2696 on

    He called teachers “commies” for going on strike. Is it any surprise they think he’s a twat?

  30. Saint_Sin on

    So is the rest of the UK. No one likes the Tories.
    The party will collapse and everyone will hate whatever party the Tory rats go to like reform uk, who people already despise.

  31. twoveesup on

    I don’t believe he has applied for a single teaching job, he’s just a liar that thought he could spin lies on GB News or Talk Radio but even they thought he was too unlikeable for their audience… of pricks.

  32. Downtown_Category163 on

    Very very happy that the school employment mechanisms are robust enough to keep this cooter away from kids

  33. mobjusticeCT on

    I don’t get why a tory is trying to get a job that tories believe only lazy middle class people go for

  34. >Man who was complicit in starving kids and cutting school funding amazed no school wants to hire him!

  35. Cynical_Classicist on

    Would that hostility in schools to Tories be because Tories wreck education and hate experts?

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