Ehi ragazzi, posso mettere i rifiuti alimentari e il restmüll in un sacchetto di plastica o deve essere uno di quei sacchetti di carta biomüll? (a Gelsenkirchen se è rilevante)
Regular plastic bags are the standard option for black bins
German_at_its_best on
You can put leftover food in a special plastic bag when it can rot, otherwise wrap it in paper… not in the general waste!
Mazzle5 on
It seem that your local waste disposal doesn’t separate organic waste from risidual waste, and everything goes into the same bin for risidual waste. So you can use normal plastic bags.
Regular plastic bags are the standard option for black bins
You can put leftover food in a special plastic bag when it can rot, otherwise wrap it in paper… not in the general waste!
It seem that your local waste disposal doesn’t separate organic waste from risidual waste, and everything goes into the same bin for risidual waste. So you can use normal plastic bags.