7:33 EST; Il sole sta sorgendo su Kiev nel 1009° giorno dell’invasione su vasta scala. Siamo grati per il vostro costante sostegno ai nostri enti di beneficenza e volontari verificati. Ecco il rapporto di supporto settimanale.
“Per un’Ucraina libera” dei primi anni ’90 del defunto artista ucraino Dmitry Konstantinovich Gribok https://i.redd.it/guycx222gssd1.jpeg di ParameciaAntic
ParameciaAntic on 04/10/2024 19:22 SOURCE: This sketch was made as a thank you to the American hosts who let Mr. Gribok stay with them when he visited the US in the early 90’s. Seems as timely now as it was back then.
SOURCE: This sketch was made as a thank you to the American hosts who let Mr. Gribok stay with them when he visited the US in the early 90’s.
Seems as timely now as it was back then.
Love it