Le aziende alimentari britanniche hanno esercitato pressioni per rinviare l’imposta sugli imballaggi in plastica da 1,7 miliardi di sterline, rivelano i documenti


di masterblaster0


  1. Saint_Sin on

    It is not the faces and colours of the parties that rule us.
    It is the companies boasting record breaking profits amid multiple crisis that lobby our government, that rule us.

  2. Ulysses1978ii on

    Poison your food with microplastics, dodge taxes l, shrinking products while making more money than ever.

  3. No_Flounder_1155 on

    Alternative materials need to be found/ created that are more suitable. Companies are going to use whatever is cheapest/ easiest to use
    Punishing consumers for lack of innovation is not the way forward.

  4. MetalBawx on

    See this is a tax that would get support from people but no gotta think of the poor corporations first…

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