Piccoli guadagni per il Fine Gael mentre il Fianna Fáil scende nel sondaggio a seguito del budget “omaggio”.


di devhaugh


  1. badger-biscuits on

    POLL: Sunday Independent/Ireland Thinks
    (October 3-4, MoE 2.6%)

    – Fine Gael 26 (+1 in five weeks)
    – Fianna Fáil 19 (-2)
    – Sinn Féin 19 (+1)
    – Social Democrats 6 (+2)
    – Labour 5 (+1)
    – Greens 4
    – Aontú 4 (+1)
    – PBP-Solidarity 2
    – Independents/others 19 (-3)

    Long term trends:


  2. IntentionFalse8822 on

    If Harris doesn’t go to the park this week I suspect his front bench will drag him there by his hair on Friday.

  3. Opening-Desk4835 on

    Right lads in all fairness who the fuck is given additional support to these bellends that have needless to say done fuck all with investments and housing in the last 14 years in government. Am not saying vote Sinn Fein or right wing. Vote whoever aligns with you, but it baffles me that people want more of the same old turd.

  4. croghan2020 on

    Unless people are happy with the current situation and actually get up of their arses and vote in the next election it’s just going to be 5 more years of the same!

  5. Doyoulikemyjorts on

    I would very much like a party that’s kind of like FF/FG but not actually them.

    Back a few years ago I thought this might be the Social Democrats but not now.

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