Salve, ho una domanda relativa all’installazione della mia lavatrice da solo. Sembra una domanda banale, ma Google non mi ha aiutato.

Devo collegare l’ingresso dell’acqua della lavatrice a questo rubinetto. Sono un po’ confuso qui. Devo aprire e chiudere questo rubinetto ogni volta che voglio lavare i miei vestiti?

Inoltre, cosa sono queste due manopole sotto il rubinetto, acqua calda e fredda?

di Fun-Maintenance-8504


  1. yes you should be able to connect your machine to this tap although you probably need some connecting part. washing machines usually have an [Aqua-Stop feature]( so you can leave the tap open all the time and nothing bad should happen.

    im not sure about these two other knobs. maybe they control the water flow in your bathroom? try it out if you are really curious i guess😅

  2. NarrowFun620 on

    The 2 knobs are the manual shut off valves for the bathroom (?).

    The water tap you can hook up your washing machine, but this a very old type, where you can’t use the current typical water hoses of actual washing machine models… you need to used the tube directly to the tap, locked with a tube clamp .

    And in this case, I would recommend to close the tap when the washing machine is not in use …

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