L’abbandono dell’Ucraina


di WalkerBuldog


  1. CharacterEgg2406 on

    Sadly, I don’t think the goal was ever to win. It is to make a Russian victory so costly that they will never think to do something like this again.

  2. AlexFromOgish on

    I’m reserving judgment to see what happens over the next six months during mud season when the Russians are bogged down and Ukraine is gaining greater air power

  3. I understand what OP is trying to say, but looking through their post history shows extreme hate for the West. Not just on this topic. 

    Could the West do better? Yes. But its not like what OP is trying to push and that is basically doing nothing. Which is bs. 

  4. johnsmith1234567890x on

    Nobody abandoned anything! And i say it as a Czech that hates russia to core of my bones.
    We will keep helping for as long as it takes. Every dead russian made world safer place for rest of humanity

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